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Vietnamese Tea Ceremonies
Similar to other asian cultures, the traditional Vietnamese wedding involves an extensive array of ceremonies beginning with a ceremony to ask permission to receive the bride, the procession to receive the bride and an ancestor ceremony to welcome the two families together.
Vietnamese tea ceremonies begin with the procession of the groom’s family followed by the visitation to the bride’s home. The organization of the procession is led by a chosen representative of the groom’s family. This person is usually well respected and well spoken. Following the chosen representative is the groom’s father, the groom, and the rest of his family and friends. Nowadays, this order of procession may not strictly be followed. The females of the procession adorn ao dais or dresses. An ao dai is traditional long-sleeved tunic worn over silk pants. Family and close friends attend to the procession where gifts are presented in lacquer boxes and covered by a red cloth to the bride’s family symbolizing good luck. These gifts can range from wine, tea, fruit, cake, betel, a roast pig and a special gift for the bride. These gifts usually come in a set of six or eight but never seven or nine since these numbers are considered bad luck and misfortune.
Once the groom’s family and friends arrive at the bride’s home, a formal introduction between the two are exchanged. The gifts are presented and finally, the groom is given permission to greet the bride who is brought out by her mother. The permission is taken place in front of the bride’s ancestor altar. There they burn incense sticks where the couple ask the ancestors to bless their marriage and future family. Then, the couple turn over to their parents and bow. This portion of the tea ceremony indicates the uniting of the two families and their ancestors.
After the ceremony of permission, there is a formal tea ceremony followed by speeches from the family members. In contrast to Chinese, Japanese and Korean weddings, Vietnamese tea ceremonies are not as extensive and detailed but still remain an essential part of the wedding. During the tea ceremony, the couple first serves tea to their parents. In exchange, the parents provide advice regarding marriage and family to the new couple. The gift boxes are then opened by the bride’s mother and the tea giving is repeated to the other family members starting with the grandparents, aunts, uncles and then siblings.
Finally, an informal meal or a wedding reception party concludes the ceremony.
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